Workflow Automation Platform


In every business, employees will agree that they have a long list of tasks to get through in a day. When it comes to efficiently fulfilling critical business processes, a workflow automation platform can serve as a saving grace. But, what is a workflow automation platform, and how does it work?

We’re going to share everything you need to know about this useful technology.

What is a Workflow Automation Platform?

A workflow automation platform is software that streamlines processes and tasks to remove the need for manual effort. Workflow automation software relies on triggers to fulfill each subsequent task in a workflow, meaning that there is little to no need for human intervention (depending on the type of tool in use).

Workflow automation platforms leverage data sources and rules to manipulate, cleanse, and make use of data to imitate human intelligence. Most of these platforms work through the logic of “if/then” statements.

With workflow automation in action, companies are able to:

  • save time
  • increase productivity
  • reduce mistakes
  • improve compliance
  • boost employee satisfaction rates

Key Concepts and Components of Workflow Automation Platform

Workflow automation platforms consist of various features and components, including:

Workflow Management System (WMS)

As the crux of the platform, the workflow management system (WMS) provides the infrastructure to construct, execute, and manage task sequences.

Business Process Management (BPM)

Business process management is the strategy of designing, reviewing, and optimizing business processes to achieve business goals. It involves both the perspective and approach, as well as the technologies and tools used. It’s an organizational discipline, and workflow automation platforms can be a handy solution to assist.

Task Automation

Task automation refers to the software’s ability to execute tasks rather than having to do so manually.

Integration with Existing Systems

A workflow automation platform doesn’t work on its own. The best solutions integrate with your existing tech stack to be able to share data, communicate, and collaborate.

User Interface and Experience (UI/UX)

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) focuses on the design of the application or product based on understanding user needs and research.

Workflow automation

How to Implement and Manage Workflow Automation Platforms

It’s common for companies to feel hesitant to implement new technologies, including a workflow automation platform. There may be fear associated with how it will work and change management that must take place to get employees on board.

If you’re considering introducing a workflow automation platform within your business (as it’s going to boost efficiency and cut costs), here’s what you should know:

Steps in Implementing Workflow Automation

It all starts with defining what you wish to improve upon and accomplish. Once you’ve set clear objectives, you can assess your current workflows to determine what you wish to adjust. Then, it’s time to find the right automation software according to your needs. After you map out the steps and configure your workflows, test it out to ensure it’s working as intended. If so, you can expand its use across your organization and train employees on how to use it.

Role of IT and Operations Teams

IT and operations teams will play a role in both the decision-making and implementation. For starters, operations teams will help to determine what kind of tool is needed and will be responsible for goal-setting. Depending on the type of automation platform you choose to use, IT teams will be needed at different levels. For example, if you have a no-code or low-code solution, you’ll probably just need IT’s help to initially set up the product and be around to answer questions if need be. If you choose to design your own solution that requires coding, then IT teams will be needed at full capacity.

Customization and Configuration

Most workflow automation software offers customization capabilities. Once you have it set up within your business, users can design their own workflows or even choose templates within the tool’s library. Or, if you select a tool like aiOla, which is speech-enabled AI that helps to automate workflows through speech, aiOla will fully digitize your existing processes for you.

Training and Change Management

As alluded to above, it’s critical to focus on change management with the introduction of any new technology in your business. To ensure that employees are on board and don’t feel threatened, they should understand how the solution is there to help them, not replace them.

Common Terms and Definitions in Workflow Automation

Let’s take a look at some common terms associated with workflow automation. Knowing these terms is useful, especially when working within your workflow automation platform.


A workflow is a sequence of tasks that moves data from a starting point to an endpoint in a specific order.


A trigger is in an event that causes a workflow to start running. Users can define triggers.


Actions are the actual steps within a workflow that are performed in order to complete the process.

Workflow Template

A workflow template is a workflow configuration that can be reused and adjusted as needed.

Approval Workflow

An approval workflow refers to a series of steps that requires an individual to review and approve a task before it can move to the next stage.

Things to Consider and Emerging Trends in Workflow Automation

When it comes to using a workflow automation platform, there are certain considerations that must be taken into account. Additionally, technology is evolving quickly, so emerging trends are becoming the norm at a rapid pace.

Legacy System Integration

We touched on this before, but you’ll want to opt for a solution that can integrate with your existing systems, including legacy systems. This is of great importance because your business already stores and collects data in these systems, and that data is likely integral to completing your business processes.

Scalability and Flexibility

Workflow automation software should be able to scale with your business, meaning that as your processes grow or data increases, the quality and speed of the software should not be compromised.

Security Risks

Naturally, security is a top priority, especially when dealing with sensitive data. The best workflow automation platforms constantly roll out upgraded security measures to protect your information.


In terms of what’s next in the realm of artificial intelligence and automation, you may have heard of the term “hyperautomation.” Hyperautomation is a business strategy that aims to automate as many processes as possible with the use of multiple technologies. This is not a practice to eliminate the need for human intervention, but rather it allows humans to focus on high-level and value-add strategic tasks, rather than manual, repetitive, and tedious duties. In turn, businesses can optimize their functioning and remain competitive.

Closing Thoughts

With the use of a workflow automation platform, companies are able to streamline critical business processes, increase efficiency, and reduce errors. There are only upsides to be gained from using this innovative and effective technology.